
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

who can restore a 5/7 Burke and James field camera

-- johndecindis (johndecindis@mediaone.net), August 30, 2001


YOU can. Check the message archives and Large Format Photog's Website for more info. It is not difficult but takes time.

-- Matt O. (mojo@moscow.com), August 30, 2001.

As Matt noted above, check out the following web page describing how to refinish an 8x10 B&J:

http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~qtluong/photography/lf/burke-james/restore 8x10.html

If you don't want to tackle the project yourself, you might try Patrick Alt, Great Basin, or AWB:

Patrick Alt (1324 South Figueroa #101 LA, CA 90015, 213-784-3087)



Good Luck.


-- Dave Willison (dwillisart@aol.com), August 30, 2001.

Check www.lg4mat.net he does restoratiion work and repairs on large format cameras.

-- Todd (rrmonet@netscape.com), August 31, 2001.

Hi John -

I wrote the article posted on the LF web site. Since it was posted, I have recieved email from a number of people who decided to give restoration a try. Many of them had no prior experience with this kind of project. I can't guarantee perfect results, but it's not as hard as it sounds.

Is your camera going to be a "user", or do you plan to prop it up in the corner as a display piece?

Good luck, in any case. Drop me a note if you have a question.

-- Kevin Bourque (skygzr@aol.com), August 31, 2001.

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