which camera/camcorder should i buy for stop-motion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

i want to get into stop-motion cinimatography but i have no idea what to buy camera/camcorder whise. i can't spend more than $425.00

-- Jake Schmutzler (mmaaggoott@hotmail.com), August 29, 2001


Buy the Lego Stevens Spieldberg Movie Set!

-- rere (ihatemircosoft@hotmail.com), February 12, 2003.

what is the best camera to use for stop motion animation that is also cheap and isn't the lego studios set.

-- paul martin (bobrulesu@yahoo.co.uk), June 14, 2003.

what kind of camera is a good one, i have about 1500 dollars to spend.

-- MATT BAXTER (kelllasaurus@aol.com), November 14, 2003.

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