*RaVeBaBy FaR FrOm HoMe*greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
I just kame to N.C. what's the rave scene like here? And where are the parties at? Underground preferably! But any venue to dance is grrrreat! Peace, luv, and XTC
-- Anonymous, August 28, 2001
i dunno about N.C. but, i just moved to Kentucky...& i dont think there are any raves or even clubs here...if ne1 can help..e-mail me!!!
-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001
hey what is up?i just moved to nc from cali.and hungry for the scene have you ever checked out studio 315?it kinda blows but its the only thing i ve found so far. have you found something better.please hook it up if can and drop me a line,,,later aysha
-- Anonymous, November 11, 2001