need canning instruction booklet : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm in need of an instruction booklet for a Mirro Pressure Canner/Cooker. I found one at, but they want $4.50 PLUS shipping. They list only one booklet for all the Mirro models. Anybody got one they wouldn't miss? I understand the basic premise of canning, but am not at all familiar with how to use/read the gauge (a weighted one).

I would be more than happy to pay postage. Thanks!

-- Dawn R - SC Missouri (, August 27, 2001


I have an old.. and I mean old Canning Guide with instructions and recipies for a National Pressure Cooker. It is about 100 pages and includes the weighted gauge. It has some good recipes in it for home canning, which covers about all you would need to know. (The booklet is not dated, but the gaskets sell for $.25.) E-mail me if you are interested.

-- Rett Clark (, August 27, 2001.

Dawn, The rules for canning have changed over the years. What was an acceptable practice 25 years ago may have been updated. Contact the USDA for the latest information for processes and times. Your local extension agent can also provide information along with the ability to test your gauge to make sure it is operational. Contact them through the University of Missouri Extension center in your county.

Everyone always recommends the Ball Blue book as the bible of canning. Good luck!

-- Rickstir (, August 29, 2001.

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