Looking for Light Sussex chicks for 2002

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We have acquired some chickens and ducks this year, and have enjoyed them very much. We will be thinning the flocks in November and December, reducing the ducks to 12 or less and the chickens to maybe 30 or 40. Next year, I would like to locate a source for Light Sussex chickens (white birds with black & white penciled tail, wing, and hackle feathers). I've checked at least 12 hatcheries without much luck, and aside from a place in Virginia (where they run $4.00 per chick in limited numbers), I haven't found any.

-- Claudia Glass (glasss2001@prodigy.net), August 24, 2001


I'm pretty sure Murray McMurray hatchery has had them other years. Haven't seen their catalogue lately though to tell you if they have them now. They'd be the first place I'd look for rare breeds of chickens.

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), August 24, 2001.

I agree Murray McMurray is the first place to check. I have a catalogue from there I'll try to find it and let you know. However did I see somewhere that are not shipping live chicks now. I thought I read that somewhere. I can't remember where. I just like to go through their catalogue long about Feb., because. I'd be surprised if they don't have a web site. I'm not very good with searching maybe you can check it out. Linda At Peaceful Valley

-- Linda at Peaceful Valley (peacefulvalley3@yahoo.com), August 25, 2001.

I found "speckled sussex" at Cackle Hatchery, Privett Hatchery, and Stromberg's. Is that the same thing? I didn't find any "light sussex" either.

-- Tracey (trjlanier@cs.com), August 25, 2001.

Click on Lusenet at the top of this page, then scroll down the list of forums to the Chicken Zone Q&A, click, and ask this question there. One of the gentlemen on there stated he could find about any breed of chicken for folks. Good luck.

-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), August 25, 2001.

You seem to have got a few answers here,good place for questions, another place to try is http://www.feathersite.com .Keep on clucking

-- LizN UK (lizn@btconnect.com), August 25, 2001.

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