For Boston-ophiles : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The Big Dig, official site

One of the most ambitious (and expensive) urban-engineering projects ever is 70% complete. I have mixed feelings about it. On the positive side, the hated Central Artery will finally be gone. Boston will become more livable and beautiful. Construction-engineering innovations have been achieved.

On the negative side, did the citizens elsewhere in the US owe the citizens of Boston this mega-billion dollar project? Will this project become as big a white elephant in the next 50 years as the Central Artery has become in the last? Wouldn't the city have been better served if the "Planners" had never built the Central Artery in the first place?

I don't know. What I do know is that we all are paying for this project, just as we all payed for DCs Metro, so we all have a stake.

-- Lars (, August 24, 2001


I lived in Boston for a year and loved it. At the time, the chaos appealed to me.

BTW, I see that a new Cheers has just opened on Comm Av. It is built to be a replica of Cheers on TV. Yes, Norm was there for the opening.

-- Lars (, August 24, 2001.


Hws abut the "BULL and FINCH" that th shw cpid.


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 24, 2001.


Norm's happy home is about two blocks from "Bull and Finch". A sign on the door says--

"If youth, throughout all history, had a champion to stand up for it; to show a doubting world that a child can think; and, possibly, do it practically; you wouldn't constantly run across folks today who claim that 'a child don't know anything.' A child's brain starts functioning at birth; and has, amongst its many infant convolutions, thousands of dormant atoms, into which God has put a mystic possibility for noticing an adults act, and figuring out its purport."

I hung out at a joint known as "7's" (at 77 "Chuck St" on B. Hill)

Lipogramically yours, Lars

-- Lars (lars@indy.not), August 25, 2001.

Oops, shoulda said "Norm's bar stool now is......"

-- Lars (, August 25, 2001.

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