50mm Summicron Collapsible

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


I was wondering if anybody knew a modern Leica lens hood of the rectangular style that could work on the 50mm collapsible Summicron (and what model number it is). From what I have read on the net these are better at reducing flare. In addition, do you think the expense is worth it?

Thank you for your input

Erik Loponen

-- Erik Loponen (eloponen@hotmail.com), August 24, 2001


The only rectangular hoods are made for 35mm and wider lenses, so even if they shade better on those, they wouldn't necessarily give maximum shading on a 50. The 12585 clip-on hood is the one to use on that lens.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), August 24, 2001.

I have used the retangular lens hood with both my 35 and 50mm lenses and have never had a flare problem with either. Even though the rectangular hood was designed for use with the 35, I think it works quite well with the 50mm Summicron.

-- John Alfred Tropiano (jat18@psu.edu), August 27, 2001.

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