Enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I am new at this and was wondering if you can use a regular 35mm enlarger with slide film and expose the polaroid film in the same way you would expose photo paper? Some sources say yes, but most like the slide printer.
-- Victoria (victoria@eonline.com), August 23, 2001
The answer is yes, but I am afraid that is all the information I have at the moment. I was researching the subject when i came across your site. I have a B&W enlarger and plan to use it to make emulsion transfers for both 4x5 and 8x10. If you have found or find any information(ie..Exposure, and filtration) please let me know. I have used the slide printer in the past, but do not wish to spend the $450 at this time.Patrick
-- Patrick Claybrook (p.claybrook@verizon.net), October 15, 2001.
Holly Dupre has an extensive "Techniques" publication available for download in PDF format at: www.pacificsites.com/~hdupre/ . There is a fair bit of information regarding using an enlarger and film holders. I am looking at that too, over using a Daylab. Have a look at her great work there too.
-- Dave Renfroe (renfroe@oceansurf.net), November 25, 2001.
I use my enlarger all the time. I have never used a slide printer. I have an Omega D2 enlarger and it is really easy. If you are use to printing in the darkroom, you will probably find projecting slides onto Polaroid film simple. You have to have a Polaroid back... I use the model 545 film holder. It's the same thing you would use in a 4x5 camera if you were to shoot Polaroid. Found mine used for $100, worth it trust me. The exposures are the most difficult, but once you get the hang of it, you will not waste a single piece of film (I use type 59 film). If you have a condenser enlarger, it should put out warm light so you don't need to correct for the blue cast of the film. Cool head enlargers need alittle correction to take the blue out. I have found that the best place to start for exposures is the smallest aperature and 1 sec tests. Most of my times with an 80mm lens at f32 is about 3 to 4 seconds. Remember...the longer the exposure, the lighter the print (the opposite of paper).Hope this helps. Heather
-- Heather Oelklaus (camerakarma@earthlink.net), November 03, 2004.