Yet more f/1.0 Noctilux shots from that LUG person... : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

That LUG guy posted more Noctilux shots. This time a simple chess game in an office. The narrative in the LUG thread said he shot all images at f/1.0 on Neopan exposed at 650 ISO.

Nothing real great, just more examples of f/1.0 in use.

-- Al Smith (, August 20, 2001


Maybe there might be interest in the photographer's comments from where he posted the link, regarding the situation in which the photos were made.

From the LUG:

-- Al Smith (, August 20, 2001.


Thanks for the link. I found the photographer's comments far more interesting than his photos in this case... In particular he stated, "if nothing else, the expression of the spectators is fairly amusing. i enjoyed the fact that no one seemed to notice me or the camera." ...A testament to the stealthiness of the M.

-- Jack Flesher (, August 20, 2001.

I am quite amused by the photography. I think it's because he presented a series rather than just a shot or two. I like that idea. No single photograph has to be brilliant, but the entire lot really unfolds the story nicely. Plus, dem is Noct shots!

-- Tony Rowlett (, August 20, 2001.

Yes, this is a case where context is all and it works very well as a set - nice quality and a good set of captions.

-- Robin Smith (, August 21, 2001.

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