Update on land purchasegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi ya'll, just thought I would update you on the heppenings of our land purchase! I had originally told you about the 10 acres we were buying, however, since that time we were made an offer that was just too good to pass up! Instead of the 10 acres with no improvements, we have opted for 22 acres with well and septic in place!! Also has a creek about 10ft. wide running right through the middle of the property!! Our tentative closing date is Sept. 4th! We can hardly wait! Now the hard work starts, but it will all be worth it, I am sure! Just wanted to share the good news with people who understand! Thanks for listening!
-- Brenda (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), August 18, 2001
Congratulations Brenda. I know you're thrilled, and anxious to get started working. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), August 18, 2001.
Congratulations, Brenda! You thought were getting a good deal the first time, and now you have gotten an even better deal! Good luck homesteading!
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), August 19, 2001.
Thanks!! We will keep you posted!!
-- Brenda in NC (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), August 19, 2001.
Ooooh 22 acres.....drool drool...... Good for you, Bren!
-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), August 20, 2001.