Need Rental Property (near Abilene, TX) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for rental property in the North West part of Texas, near the Abilene area. I am disabled so income is low, but I have gov. help with rent. I raise dairy goats so I need to be where there are no neighbors. I am trying to get back to Texas which is my home state to be closer to my children and grandchildren.Thank You , Jeanette
-- Jeanette Wardwell (, August 18, 2001
Jeanette,My folks lived just south of Abilene for a while in a little town called Buffalo Gap. It was a nice little place and close enough to drive into Abilene to work. There were several rental homes there. You might call city hall. In a town that small, they should be able to give you a name. Good luck.
-- Mona in OK (, August 21, 2001.