Strawberry Root Weevils : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Good day to all! I am wondering if anyone has any solutions, organic or natural of course!!, to ridding my home of these creatures of God. I read that they don't like garlic, so last night I took what garlic I had, put them in the blender with some boiling water. Once the water had cooled down I pressed "liquify". My plan is then to put this mixture, strained of course, into the garden sprayer and apply to the foundation of the house.

Epidemic these critters are this year. The ground is crawling with them at night and stones under the yard light are literally black crawling masses. As they are in the adult stage now (and only females according to the net make it to that stage - ponder that one!! LOL) and lay 200 upwards eggs (eeeee gad!) I would like to see what will at least keep them out of my home so they don't overwinter for next spring. At least now I know what the blue blazes went after all my perennial seedlings this year - and here I thought I was just a inept gardner!!! LOL

Your suggestions would be most appreciated!! Thanks.

-- D (, August 18, 2001


Hi D, Did you ever try using Beneficial Nematodes? They are teeny worms that you mix with water and put on or in the ground where you are having a bug problem, and they get into the digestive system of all the bugs in the ground killing all but the earthworms. Works for those bugs as well as a host of others. Kills fleas, too.

-- (Sis@home.zzz), August 22, 2001.

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