I need sika deer information.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anybody have sika deer? How much do they cost? What kind of fence would I need to keep them in? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Russell
-- Russell Moses (mosesrussell@hotmail.com), August 17, 2001
I have not raised them but I have hunted them several times before in central Tx where they have escaped confinement and become 'naturalized'. About all I can tell you is that they make a peculiar hooting/whistling noise when alarmed, and they are delicious.
-- HannahMariaHolly (hannahholly@hotmail.com), August 18, 2001.
Russell, where are you located?
-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), August 18, 2001.
The only thing I can tell you is that you will need your fences to be 8-10 feet high (this is for almost all kinds of deer). Unless you would rather have reindeer (which will take regular horse/cattle hight fenceing, then again, they are also a domesticated animal used for pulling as well).Good luck
-- animalfarms (jawjlewis@netzero.net), August 18, 2001.
You may wish to call or contact The Deer Farm just outside of Williams, Arizona (on I-40, west of Flagstaff). They raise a large variety of deer and have been helpful in the past.
-- Linda Schuerman (peeper@prexar.com), August 18, 2001.
I am located in North Central Texas, for those who asked. Thank you. Russell
-- Russell Moses (mosesrussell@hotmail.com), August 18, 2001.