House and Acreage (in the Ozarks) For Sale (By Owner) (Land) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Located in the Missour Ozarks. House for sale with 19 acres M/L. House is a tri-level with 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, including a master bath. Office. Custom kitchen with oak cabinetry and tile floor. Large lower level family room. Central Heat/air. 18 X 33 Above ground pool with huge deck. Property is fenced and crossfenced. Level pasture, small run in shed for horses. Springfed stock pond. Two large outbuildings, indoor/outdoor kennel runs. Workshop that can fit a semi. Asking $127,000. For more information call: 417 683-1119 or email at
-- Laurie Kring (, August 17, 2001
I verified this is a FSBO and not a realtor. Forum's policy is to not allow ads such as this from realtors; however, some have been allowed to stay simply because by the time either Dave or I found and discussed then, responses against them justified their staying, such as the recent one on land in Canada.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, August 17, 2001.