Canning Green Beans-Vinegar Method? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My family has been using the following Amish recipe for a few years with no problems. 2C. White Vinegar, 1/2C. Sugar, 1/4C. Salt & 1 Gal. Water. Bring to a boil and add 10qt green beans. Bring back to a boil. Simmer 10 min, then put beans and solution in jars. Fill 1/2 inch from top, wipe off, seal. We ALWAYS boil/cook the beans before eating though. Before cooking it helps to rinse the beans/soak overnite if you don't like the vinegar taste.(Pinch of soda helps too) Anxious to hear from anyone that has used this method...or has any input...I hope it is a bit safer by using the vinegar(?). Also, the recipe does not call to put them in a hot water bath...would this help out??
-- Mariann Newman (, August 15, 2001
I have used this same method, after many years of other methods, this is the only method my family will eat and enjoy. This past spring I did process in a water bath for 30 minutes. I am looking forward to fall beans (only advantage of being in Fl.) will use this same method.
-- sandra stripling (, August 15, 2001.