What did I do wrong?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I used TMPEnc to convert an asf file to MPEG-1. After a four day process it still wasn't fully able to be burned. The software I'm using is Easy Cd Creator Platinum 5. When I go to burn it, there are 2 unacceptable factors which need to be changed. "Frame rate" which it says was unavailable, but I clearly remember the software sayin 60 fps. The second factor is "System clock reference" which is 1084. I followed the instructions 100% but I can't seem to figure out what the deal is with those two factors. can someone help me.

Also is the a faster encoder? As I mentioned above, it took 4 days to complete the process.

-- Cujo (cujo305@aol.com), August 14, 2001


try www.vcdhelp.com I think based on the frame rate you state, you should be converting this to an mpeg2 not mpeg1. It should be an SVCD not a VCD you are trying to create. Depending on your OS, EZCD 5.0 is lousy with Win98...try using Nero 5.5 instead.

-- gp (speeding@mybc.com), August 17, 2001.

The best way to do this is to convert the ASF file to AVI format first. That'll solve the problem with it taking four days. The tool I finally found to do this for free is AsfTools. When I tried to access their site, the download section was down, so I searched and finally found it at a Chinese(?) site called Souxin.com

It will also fix any problems with the ASF file so that TMPEnc can process it without a glitch.

Good luck!

-- Jer-man (paddiwak@aracnet.com), March 14, 2002.

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