starting my Spring planting again (gardening/container) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Our main gardens are finishing out (already have some of the squares pulled up drying on the driveway to be mulched for winter worm food). We have another seasons worth of provisions put back, but since learning SFG, I'm going to try putting a couple of my empty worm tubs in my sunroom and have "spring" in September. I've done it with tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets, now going to do it with one SFG square for fresh salad veggies once in a while and keep me away from cabin fever this winter by playing "bumble bee".
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, August 12, 2001
I just got a couple squares ready for the first time ,, gonna try SFG,, IM getting some spring cool weather crops started,, lettuce, spinach, kale,,, going to see how it works. I like the indoor maters,, might try that with some this year
-- stan (, August 12, 2001.
My maters did good inside last year and with two or three 2ft x 4ft tubs I should be able to do one square nicely. I pollenate using a makeup brush to dust the blooms.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, August 12, 2001.
To go with your tomatoes, try some slow bolt type cilantro. I kept a pot of it going most of the winter from plants I dug up before frost. It really did perk up some winter cooking.
-- marlyn (, August 13, 2001.
After harvesting part of the castings, I plan to add garden soil to six of the bins ( an SFG area 8x6 ft and two feet deep) leaving the worms in them also to keep the soil worked. This way I'll be growing a nice winter garden and wintering my "breeders nicely. Will still have fresh scraps to slurry and bury between the plants. I love experimenting!
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, August 14, 2001.
Hey Jay, what do you do for light for your indoor 'maters?
-- Laura Jensen (, August 14, 2001.