Trade ostrich (2) for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I don't know if any one knows the value of 2- two month old ostrich. I don't. But I do know they are so cute and sweet and at the age of one year old they are at their prime time for butchering. But i really don't need them on my farm What i need is a milk cow so i thought some one out there might like to trade a cow ( young or older) for these two.So we both may have what we want. If you are wondering where they came from- a friend gave me eggs and i tried to hatch them just to see if i could. (I could).By the way i love this fourm. I have never written but i read it every day and learn so much. Thanks so much I am located in southern Indiana
-- vickie duffy (, August 10, 2001
Sounds like a good deal, but my oven isn't big enough to roast one of those things in!
-- Russell Hays (, August 10, 2001.
Sorry Vickie, I don't need any ostriches, either! If anyone else is considering your offer I can attest to the quality of the meat, though. My sister and I ate quite a lot of it, prepared in many different ways, while in Africa. Good luck with your trading.
-- Elizabeth (, August 10, 2001.