Prisoner zapped at judge's order is offered $275,000 : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Prisoner zapped at judge's order is offered $275,000

LOS ANGELES -- A $275,000 settlement has been tentatively offered to a man who sued Los Angeles County after he was shocked with an electric stun belt for interrupting a judge, lawyers for both sides said Wednesday.

Ronnie Hawkins sued the county after Superior Court Judge Joan Comparet-Cassani ordered a Long Beach bailiff to shock him when he repeatedly interrupted her during a 1998 sentencing hearing at which he was acting as his own attorney.

Hawkins, 51, was convicted of a third-strike theft charge and is serving a sentence of 25 years to life.

He sued the county on grounds that use of the belt violated his right to a fair trial by deterring him from taking part in his own defense

-- (cin@cin.cin), August 10, 2001


This decision is ridiculous! What's this world coming to? I have have a mind to take this up with-- ZZZzzzt!!!! ZZZzzzt!!!! ZZZzzzt!!!! ZZZzzzt!!!! ZZZzzzt!!!! ZZZzzzt!!!!

-- (Donnie@ZZZzzzt!!!.Hawkings), August 10, 2001.

That should keep Ronnie stocked with Cigs and KYJel for the next 25 years.

-- Shocking (news@from.LalaLand), August 10, 2001.

Perhaps if he were able to speak and to properly represent himself, he would not be incarcerated. Far-fetched I know, but entirely possible.

-- (cin@cin.cin), August 10, 2001.

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