Cold Frames from straw : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Has anyone made cold frames out of straw/hay bales? I am expecting right now and making cold frames is out of the question (DH is too busy combining to be able to help right now). I have lots of windows to use as lights and an eight year old son to help!! I want to plant carrots, radishes, spinach, other greens and leeks. I am in Ontario so the winters are cold but snow cover is unpredictable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.
-- Silvia Stoddart (, August 10, 2001
I do that,, just align the bales so a window or windows cover them tight. Its better for the windows to be larger than the bales, so less heat escapes that way. Im also going to try to but one over my septic this year,, see if the extra heat will help
-- stan (, August 10, 2001.
Just make sure you have some kind of mouse control in there. Straw or hay bales are Mouse City when they sit outside.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, August 10, 2001.