Brighton strawberries available ? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My sister is keen on purchasing the day-neutral strawberry variety "Brighton" that she had a bed of back in Indiana. It was developed in Utah. She has searched without success, but is still hopeful to find a source...and now has me looking :) Any leads? thanks so much, Sandra
-- Sandra Hess (, August 08, 2001
Superb Horticulture ( at mentions them, doesn't list them, but lists a lot of related but newer day-length neutral varieties.
-- Don Armstrong (, August 08, 2001.
Go to The Mertus List of Gardening CatalogsOoops, guess its "Cyndi's catalog of catalogs" now. Fixed the link above, it'll take you to the right place. Anyway. Look in the Fruits section, you might check the General section as well. Probably will have to contact the company directly to find out if they carry Brighton in particular, but at least you'll have a bunch more leads.
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), August 08, 2001.