Strange chick : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I had a Barred Rock hatch out a batch of chicks about a month ago. She hatched 7 eggs. All of the hens were either Barred Rocks or Dominique (only one was a Dominique). The rooster was a Barred Rock. The chickens were all in the pen together with no other types of chickens able to get to them. Most of the chicks are Barred rocks, a couple look like they have Dominique (the lines aren't as clean and the comb more compact), but one is solid black, black comb, black feet, and black feathers. I understand that Barred Rocks came from crossing a Black Java with a Dominique originally. Does anyone know what a Black Java looks like? I can only figure that it had to be some recessive trait coming out. I've NEVER had this happen before. I cannot find a picture of a Black Java either. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks. Sharon

-- Sharon (, August 08, 2001


Have you tried any internet searches of poultry sites? I looked in my Murray McMurray catalog just now and they don't list Black Javas. You can probably find some web site that has that information.

I had some Dominique hens a couple of years ago who were bred by a Light Brahma rooster, and they hatched out quite a few chicks. The cockerels were all barred black and white like the Dominique mothers, but had the same comb, feathered feet and huge size as the Light Brahma father, and the pullets all turned out solid black with the same Light Brahma comb, feathered feet, and were much larger than the Dominique mothers. The pullets also have brown eyes, and I think, if I'm not mistaken, the Dominiques have more yellowy eyes.

Genetics are funny things in poultry! Sorry I couldn't be of help.

-- HannahMariaHolly (, August 08, 2001.

How pure was your breeding stock? I don't know much about chickens but we did buy a few from a guy who was basically breeding them for show and he said real pure blood lines were very hard to find and that often a few seasons after getting stock from new breeders one would throw a different chick meaning thast it had been crossed somewhere down the line.

-- jen (, August 09, 2001.

Photos of Javas ~ Blacks and others:

-- ~Rogo (, August 09, 2001.

Thanks Rogo--it looks like I have a Black Java. I had used my search engine to find Java sites; I found lots of info, but no pics. I really appreciate the help. Jen--my stock was pure, I bought my Barred Rocks from Murray McMurray--it must have just been one of those gene things. God is fun! Thanks everyone for your input--it is nice to have Countryside friends to help out--now back to reading my latest issue!!! Sharon

-- Sharon (, August 09, 2001.

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