NERO VCD 2-page menu problem : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


The problem is: The two pages of my VCD menu were not recorded consecutively: 1st page of the menu was in the 1st track and the 2nd page was in the last track.

What I am experiencing: I used NERO to make a VCD menu of 2 pages with 6 thumbnails each for my VCD containing 12 mpeg1 clips. On the Nero track listing window, file sequence was observed as follows: track type 1 1/2 menu page 1 2/2 menu page 2 mpeg1 movie/clip 1 3 mpeg1 movie/clip 2 4 ... .. ... 12 mpeg1 movie/clip 12

After burning the VCD and having it played in my Pioneer HTZ 55DV DVD player, I saw only the first page of menu containing 1-6 thumbnails. I could not navigate to the next page containing 7-12 thumbnails even by pressing "next" button on my DVD remote. I was allowed to play 1 to 6 clips by and only by pressing the number key while the 1st page of menu was present. Once one of the first 6 clips was being played, I could then use the "next" button to navigate as well as play the rest of clips, i.e., 7-12 clips. While the last clip being played, I pressed "next" button and saw the 2nd page of menu show up! It seemed to me that the 2nd page of menu was recorded in the end track different from what being shown in NERO track listing window. While the 2nd page of menu present, pressing "previous" button will take you to the last movie clip. In the mean time, while the 2nd page of menu present, I was allowed to play by pressing number key or "previous" button clips shown on the 2nd page of menu. It would take you to 2nd page of menu and then 1st page by keeping pressing "return" button while one of 7-12 movie chapters being played.

Is there any steps I had missed or bugs in NERO software? I would really appreciate your time and effort in explaining or resolving the problem I'm experiencing!

Thank you,


-- Ming Hsu (, August 08, 2001


What you are talking about are precisely the bugs ahead said would be ironed out by If indeed you are using Nero best you get back at them for that.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, August 11, 2001.

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