Problem with Rainsoft water treatment : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We purchased a Rainsoft system for our house which is on well water. We have a very high nitrate level and extremely hard water. Our system is pumping salt water up from the clean out hole because of the amount of water we use. (I run a garden hose off of the house facet.) We had a technician come out and he said the system would not work in our situation. We have had an extremely hard time contacting the company. Weeks of messages left without a return phonecall. We want to return the equipment and get our money back, but the company refuses. Any suggestions?? Has anyone else used this system? How do we get legal advice?
-- Jan White (, August 07, 2001
contact the BBB first,, file a report,, then write them a certified letter,, make sure you get a receipt. The if no response,, call a lawyer
-- stan (, August 07, 2001.
Our local television stations will air stories like this and contact the company for you and televise their answers. Maybe you should call and inquire?
-- Judy Price (, August 07, 2001.
Hey, you didn't mention anything about the ph, but hubby says that in reference to your clean out hole, the drain out is not percolating adequately.Also, rainsoft water system is not made for extremely hard water and cannot handle it.
You should have a warranty???? With a number for headquarters? If not, I would find the main company online. They are a franchise just like anyother nationally sold brand.
They had no business selling you a softner without checking to see if it would take care of the problem. OR perhaps it is simply a problem with improper installation.
Before too much time elapses, make sure you make your complaint in writing.
-- stephanie nosacek (, August 10, 2001.
my advice would be to purchase, yes, you need to make one more investment, but it will take care of the hard water. Buy a Sears Iron Out Filter. they cost about 800-900 bucks, but it really does work incredibly well. our family home in western michigan had the hardest water i had ever seen. sinks, toilets were ALWAYS stained with iron from my earliest memories. my mother heard about the unit from my aunt in Arkansas and asked me to check them out. I bought one, installed it with my brother, and it was unbelievable to us that with in one week, the water had completely different character. i would go so far as to submit to you that with the RAINSOFT unit in conjunction with the Sears device, your problems will be OVER!
-- brian keith ingell (, January 15, 2002.
I hate to badmouth companies on the internet. However, I will never buy a Rainsoft product based on the experience of 2 of my friends.One hates the system. Service calls are 40 bucks, altho it was represented differently when he purchased the system. Now, if anything goes wrong, you own it, and Rainsoft is the only place that will service it, and they can charge what they want, and get around to it when they want to. Not a good situation.
Another friend got talked into a 3 day free trial - didn't like it as the water had an aftertaste. The salesman said to keep it a few more days, try a couple different things & see how you like it then? Made no difference. So, the salesman said he will take it out when he finds another buyer, no charge.
Long story short, that salesman disappeared, and the company put a lean on my friend to the tune of $4000. Took it to small claims court, & my friend owes $4000 because he never called the _company_ back in three days as the trial contract says. Can't find the salesman to make him pay & couldn't get any money out of him if they did, so my friend is stuck. Tried selling it for 1/3 the cost, and people hang up when they hear it's a Rainsoft. Seems others feel they are crooks as well. If the company does not stand behind it's salesmen, I don't care what small claims court says. Crooks, all of them. Oh, the loan application was falsely re-submitted by the salesman/Rainsoft as well to make it go through to begin with... Long story, I'm only hitting the highlights.
-- paul (, January 15, 2002.
havent you herd? RAINSOFT is pig latin for "den of thieves" almost all of what is outlined above is true of my experences and then some,the people that I deal with are guilty of all the infractions required for a class action law suit , I'd like to find a lawer willing to go the distance with something like that !
-- Matt Riden (, January 15, 2002.