Finally closed!!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Finally closed on our property Friday. Took all of 25 minutes and now it is ours!Since we will not make the final move until next June we spent most of the weekend sitting on the swing and enjoying. The peace was heaven. During the whole weekend we were there only about 10 cars past the house, and 1 mule. Walked the land deciding what we are going to do where. We did have the LP tank filled, the refrig. and stove delivered. Cooked dinner, however on the Coleman. Going back this weekend with the cars and the trailer packed.
One of the neighbhors wanted to rent our machine shed to store some of his equip. in if the price was not too steep. We told him what we prefer is for him to cut the weeds that have grown on the crop land. He said he would not only do that but get the garden spot ready and have his son cut the grass when we are not there. Now we do not have to worry about the empty house.
It also looks like we have made a contact to get apples to press for cider until we get ours going. I LOVE TO BARTER!!
-- Cordy (, August 07, 2001
The barter system...The only way to go. The more you do it the more you find you can and the more people are willing to work with you. We have gotten so much stuff for free it is unreal. I am takling enough fence post to make a 1/4 fence, a green house, animals...just keep it up.
-- grant (, August 07, 2001.
Congratulations on your new place! And, apparently, good neighbors!
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, August 07, 2001.
Sounds great.Any other nearby properties available? If so, where are you?
-- Rick#7 (, August 07, 2001.
Rick#7,I am in North Henderson, IL, pop. about 250. We have been told that small acreage like what we found does not come up often but they are out there. What are you looking for?
For clarification, North Henderson is between Galesburg and Moline, IL. Galesburg is the birthplace of Carl Sandburg and Matag washing machines are made there. It is also a hub for the Burlington railroad.
There was an ad in the little paper we picked up at My Store (kind of a general store without the food) and we did see and ad for a place with 38 acres and woods.
-- Cordy (, August 07, 2001.
Hey Cordy,Many congratulations on settling into your new place. Hope you realize you're the envy of many of us here on the forum, especially me! I love to barter, too. Many of these "deals" are so satisfying. Congrats again.
-- Trevilians (aka Dianne in Mass) (, August 07, 2001.
Congratulations!! I hope your new place works out great. Sounds like you have some good neighbors. What a great bonus. Good luck.
-- Murray in ME (, August 07, 2001.
Isn't that wonderful news! Way to go, Cordy!
-- Alison in N.S. (, August 09, 2001.