Llama problemgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have two llamas as guard animals for my sheep. I have a 10 foot by 24 foot barn inwhich I feed the sheep and llamas and contain them when need be. The llamas seem to like using this barn for their litter box. Anyone know a way I can break this habit?
-- Pat (PSRoll@aol.com), August 07, 2001
Is it possible to close off the barn for a week or so? Llamas do seem to have a dung pile in one area and perhaps by blocking access to the barn temporarily they will start a new area. Clean up well the old spot, lime it to remove the odor and maybe they just will continue going outside to the new location when you re open the barn.
-- Kate Henderson (Kate@sheepyvalley.com), August 07, 2001.
Llama's use a communal Dung pile, First one set the standard as to where to go. I am betting you locked them in the barn when you got them and thats where they started going and will continue to go.What is the floor in the barn. If its dirt its going to be hard to get them to go elsewhere without blocking off the pile. Otherwise clean up the mess, use time or other obsortbant materials to clean up the liquids and block the barn for several days until they find a new spot to go.
-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), August 07, 2001.
Stupid question alert! Which kind of lime does one use to reduce the odors? Hydrated or dolomitic? The ground in my pig pen reeks even with cleaning out and fresh bedding so stink reduction would be great.
-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), August 08, 2001.