tomato sauce : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A friend of mine loaned me a "Victorio Strainer" to help me with the influx of tomatoes. It is a wonderful tool!!! You cut off the top of the tomato and cut the clean tomato ,skin and all into little pieces. Feed it thru the strainer adn out comes the smoothest tomato juice you could imagine. The seeds and skins come out another opening. Well, I need tomato sauce, so I followed the advice that I read on another thread, I put it all into the crock pot, on high for most of the day. It condensed by one half, wonderful looking and tasting. It is a wonderful way to do something with all these tomatoes!!!!

-- Susan n' Emily, in Tn (, August 07, 2001


Just thought about this. When I'm low on storage space I've dehydrated tomato sauce, then pulverized it in the food processor. It makes a wonderful, dark enrichment for soups and stews.

-- Lynne (, August 07, 2001.


You do not have to pulverize the sauce if you do not want to. When I dry my tomato paste I do it like a fruit leather and just roll it up. A 3" x 3" piece is equal to a 6 oz can.

I use a Squeezo strainer and have for years. They are also great for applesauce and doing pumpkins, plus a whole lot more.

-- Cordy (, August 07, 2001.

I got a Victorio Strainer as a wedding gift 18 years ago. I have used it every year since then, and heavily, too.

-- daffodyllady (, August 07, 2001.

Where would one find a Victorio Strainer to purchase?

-- Sandie Thompson Baker (, August 08, 2001.

Sandie, try ebay first. Gurneys seeds carry them as do a couple of other garden mags. Also lemans carrys them and there is a link on the front of countryside web page for lemans.

-- kathy h (, August 09, 2001.

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