Looking for a small Farm In N.E. Oklahomagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi I am looking for a small farm 100 acres and down in N.E. Oklahoma say about 45 minutes or less from tulsa I would like to do a lease purchase, Lease to own, or lease with the option to buy. I want to start a cattle farm. I Also want to give my sons the chance to experence the country way of life. Can any one help me out ?
-- Cody (farmerb3@yahoo.com), August 06, 2001
Hi Cody,Oklahoma has lots of devolopers who carry their own contracts for rural properties. You can find them in the Tulsa and Oklahoman newspaper. What they do is sell to you on a Land Contract, which is basically an owner financed purchase of the property. Look under land and mobile homes in the newspapers. Call any you find even if they don't say they have the amount of land your looking for. Most have larger pieces just may not be advertised that week. They also advertise in the throw away papers too. And some realtors represent owner carried properties too.
Feel free to email me if I can be of further help. I am between OKC and Tulsa (a little over an hour to Tulsa).
-- Stacia in Ok (OneClassyCowgirl@aol.com), August 06, 2001.