Looking for different cuke canning recipes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My garden has been producing a bumper crop of cucumbers this summer and I've already canned fermented sweet pickles, kosher dills and sweet relish. I subbed them for green pepper in salsa (hubby hates green peppers). Used them in appetizers (got a good recipe, email me!), made fridge pickles, had salads galore and have given away a bunch.. Now I've got another batch to put up, and maybe more still after that! I did see a recipe I'll try to make spiced "apple" rings with cukes. Any other interesting ones out there? Chutney (whatever that is)? Jam? Potpourri? Aftershave? Help!

-- Susan Troxel DeWitt (smtroxel@socket.net), August 05, 2001


Susan... Aftershave? hahaha.. I have eate the spiced "apple" rings. Very good, so I recommend you give that recipe a whirl. Oh and send me that recipe you have for appetizers. Thanks.

-- Carole (carle@earthlink.net), August 06, 2001.

Do you like Bread n'Butter Pickles? I have my Grandmother's recipe if you'd like it.

-- Cindy in NY (cjpopeck@worldnet.att.net), August 06, 2001.

Thanks Cindy but I've finally got them all worked up and the plants are slowing down. Whew! I need a break from the kitchen but the tomatoes are coming on now too. Such is gardening.

-- Susan Troxel DeWitt (smtroxel@socket.net), August 06, 2001.

For anyone with an over abundance of cucumbers I highly recommend this recipe I got from a friend. Cream of Cucumber Soup Yes hot C. soup delicious!!!!! Must be tried to be believed. 5 T. of BUTTER 3 cups of peeled, seeded & finely chopped cucumbers 1 large onion finely chopped 2 T. cornstarch lemon pepper to taste 2 cups of milk 1 T. of lemon juice 2 T. of lemon dill herb mix (dry)

Melt butter in large saucepan. Add cucumbers & onion saute approx 10 min. Mix in remaining ingredients in order given. Heat & stir until it boils & thickens. Run through blender. May be frozen. To serve whisk in 1/4 c. of sour cream heat to simmering I also add a tin of pink salmon when heating. I make this in large batches & freeze in cottage cheese (2 cup size) containers which I save all year. Makes a great quick supper.

-- Jan Sears (jcsears@magma.ca), August 09, 2001.

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