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i put the lemon juice in but not the salt... can i still do this?? i boiled them in boiling water in canning jars for 45 min like it said.. will these still be good??? help ... maureen

-- MAUREEN (onemaur@yahoo.com), August 05, 2001


I think the salt is more for taste than acidity. My Ball Blue Book confirms this in their special diets section. The lemon juice is the critical thing since tomatoes aren't as acid as you'd think. Folks actually used to think of them as poison...they are in the nightshade family and do have some nasty alkaloids(?) in their seeds....thus the sharp taste that gets mistaken for acid? Dunno. I love 'em anyway and have a bunch more to can myself here shortly.

-- Susan Troxel DeWitt (smtroxel@socket .net), August 05, 2001.

I can't have any salt either due to my blood pressure. i tried canning tomatoes without salt and it turned out fine. I don't recommend this for everyone but it worked for me.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), August 05, 2001.

A lot of commercial canned foods here use what they call "mineral salt" but which is actually calcium chloride, not sodium chloride. That may be worth looking into.

-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (darmst@yahoo.com.au), August 05, 2001.

I don't put salt in anything I can, salmon, meat, veggies.... :) tang

-- tang (tang@mtaonline.net), August 05, 2001.

Hi, I been cannin for 30 yrs and never put salt in any of it. It works for me. Blessings Peggy

-- peggy (wclpc@cookeville.com), August 06, 2001.

I don't put salt in my tomatoes unless I am actually making a ready- to-eat sauce such as for spaghetti. Otherwise, I just can the tomatoes with the vinegar.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), August 07, 2001.

Until just now, I had never even HEARD of putting salt in canned tomatoes. I just cold pack 'em. No other ingredients but pure tomatoes.


-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), August 07, 2001.

All I've ever added is a few flavoring ingredients, a few cloves of garlic, some basil, or other things as inspiration hits. It's not because I'm not allowed salt, but I remember reading somewhere that you can make a lot less salt go a lot further by waiting to salt until the food hits your plate. That way, all of it is right there on the surface, ready to taste.

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), August 12, 2001.

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