Canning Green : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am going to can about a Bushel of green beans (half runners). I am going to soak the green beans in cold water. Use a huge alumminum deep dish kettle for heating the jars? What is the next step. I don't want to cook them and then can?
-- Terri Innis (, August 03, 2001
I use the cold pack method with my green beans. After the beans are cleaned and snapped I pack them into jars, raw, fill to one inch with boiling water. I also add salt to each jar (1/2 tsp. per pint) before adding the water. Then remove air bubbles, adjust water level so it is one inch from top of jar. Put on the lids and rings and set in a pressure canner. Process for 20 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. Consult any good canning book for directions.Good luck!
-- Nancy (, August 03, 2001.
There's a lot of information in the older messages - worth reading when you've got time, and worth looking at when you want to know something - good chance the question has already been answered. Go down to the the "Older Messages" at the bottom of the current messages, go to the section called "Kitchen (Canning) Threads)", do a search (use the "Ctrl" and "F" (for find) keys together, enter the word you want to search for (in this case bean)), search and keep searching (find next) until you've reached the end. You could also search on "bot" as well - it appears to be relevant.
-- Don Armstrong (, August 03, 2001.