Question on canning peaches : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Canned peaches yesterday, and when filling the jars, the natural juice of the peach filled the jar to the top. They were real juicy peaches. I went ahead and processed them, giving them 5 minutes more time. you have to add syrup to the jars when cold packing for the peaches to preserve? The jars all sealed. Does anyone can their peaches in the natural juice? The Ball Blue Book says to hot pack natural juiced canned peaches, which I didn't read until later. Thanks!

-- Annie (, August 02, 2001


Annie - I have always cold packed peaches when canning. I never add sugar, syrup, etc. to any of my fruit. The peaches always provide enough juice on their own. Mine always turn out great. Hope this helps you. enjoy them. Winona

-- Winona in MO (, August 02, 2001.


send a jar over and let me try them out! maybe you ought to send a case instead...I may need to try out a couple of jars ... then I will let you know!

-- westbrook (, August 02, 2001.

Annie, I have always canned them in their own juice , too. My son is Type I diabetic an dthat's the best way for him. I've never had a problem.

-- MelleJan (, August 02, 2001.

Winona & MelleJan, thanks for the response. These were the juiciest peaches and I don't think I could have put syrup in them, even if I wanted too! Hey there Westbrook, too bad ya don't live next door, would have brought you over a few jars to sample! Of course, just to make sure they were ok! :)

-- Annie (, August 02, 2001.

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