Lynn bought the "perfect" gardening book for me (Gardening(General)) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Today at the library friends sale, Lynn bought White Trash Gardening by Rufus T. Firefly for a quarter. It's a real gardening book full of info plus a lot of southern redneck (thats said with pride) humor and cartoons.She said she got it cause the "butt crack hanging out the jeans" picture reminded her of me (no wonder she bought me all these bib overalls :>). Can't wait to try the beercan mulch technique and the herb garden in the rusted out pickup truck. Anyone else ever seen these books?
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, July 31, 2001
Jay, it's one of my favorite gardening books. Basic, stuff you have around the house kind of book and very funny. I liked the idea of using an old wooden ladder on cinder blocks, to hold up tomatoes. Tell, Lynn she made a great buy!
-- Annie (, July 31, 2001.
I've already read it cover to cover last night. Got a lot of laughs plus good "lazy and in a pinch gardening tips. I couldn't believe someone could donate it for the sale, but I'm glad they did.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, August 01, 2001.