finally closing (on land purchase) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Some may remember by venting post at the end of June about be blind sided by my lender about an appraisal (turns out the appaiser left off the second floor in the appraisal but the bank was sticking with it anyway), and wanting an enviromental study on this ag land. Well, 5 weeks after our first closing date, 2 lenders (this one local) and 3 appraisals we are scheduled to close on Fri! I am almost counting the hours until it is ours. Actually, I am counting the hours.Friday at 11:00 we are at the closing table and the house and 14 acres and everything else will be ours! Phone and electric already hooked up and appliances coming early Sat AM. The living room is full of stuff ready to go on this first trip and the trailer loaded for the second.
Even though we will not make the final move until next year,(when our youngest graduates HS) we will own it! Can't wait to get back to the country with fresh air and peace and quiet.
The swing will go in one of the trees this weekend and the garden area will be tilled and prepared for next year the following weekend.
Herbs that I have on the balcony will now be able to be put in the ground and the blueberry bush too.
All so exciting!!!
-- Cordy (, July 31, 2001
Wonderful news. I'm sorry that you had to go through all the aggravation that an otherwise joyful event it should have been but at least you are going to finally get there. It definitely is exciting to be getting your new homestead. I bet that next year will fly by as you slowly wean yourself over to the new place full time. Keep us posted as you grow your new homestead.
-- Colleen (, July 31, 2001.
Well congratulations Cordy! Must be the day for closing! We also close on our home here in Florida at 9:00 and will have the truck loaded on Thurs. and heading to our new homestead in Virginia right from the closing. Finally, after 10 years we are returning to country life. I know what you mean about literally counting down the hours! I bet by tomarrow we both will be counting down the minutes! My prayers for you that all goes well with the closing. Best wishes and I hope that time goes quickly for you so that you can be to the homestead permamently!
-- Karen (, July 31, 2001.
Karen,Congratulations to you too!
Yes, it will be wonderful to get back to the country. This place is not as big as our one in WI but we are not as young either. Still hope to get some chickens and maybe a goat or two. Still miss the ones I had.
-- Cordy (, July 31, 2001.