I have a question about chokecherries????greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This past week I have spent gathering huckleberries (yum yum) and have been told that there are also chokecherries in the same area. I remember my mother making chokecherry syrup and would like to make some but I don't know what chokecherries look like. I have checked around on the internet for pictures but haven't had any luck. Any help finding pictures or describing this berry to me would really be apprecicated.
-- RNMOM (tegan@ida.net), July 31, 2001
choke cheerries,, as far as I know,, are wild or tart charries (so tart the will choke a goat),,look for wild cherry trees
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), July 31, 2001.
Choke cherries grow on trees and are nearly black when ripe. The bark of the tree has a grey to silver color and the finish is somewhat smooth. We have several around the place and I like the taste but they are a little tart. This years fruit is very pentiful, I guess because of all the rain we've had. Also, Choke cherries like regular cherries have a single large pit and are about the size of a field pea. Hope this helps. Gary in AL
-- Gary in AL (rgmattox@yahoo.com), July 31, 2001.
I am from Saskatchewan-the chokecherry kingdom! Chokecherries grow in grape-like clusters and are nearly black when ripe; they are somewhat tart fresh, but lose their astringency when cooked or thawed; they make excellent syrop, and fabulous red wine! For pictures try government of Manitoba ministry of agriculture follow the links to fruits...I planted 14 acres of chokecherries in the last two years, they are valuable and marketable fruit...Alexander Levin from Chokecherry Kingdom!!!
-- Alexander Levin (morsealexlevin@hotmail.com), July 31, 2001.
Thanks for the descriptions, I think I know what they are. I picked a small cluster yesterday but they aren't ripe yet. They are really plentiful here this year, I am looking forward to yummy syrup.
-- RNMOM (tegan@ida.net), July 31, 2001.