canning matters and other : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Wow i never say so many tomatoes in my life when do they quit bearing? the plants i bought are killers but the abe lincolns that i planted from seed in the garden arent far behind. never canned before may be why its so hard.btw i have a good friend facing brain surgery aug. 8th you all know what to do thanks bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (, July 30, 2001
Dear Bobco, Canning isn"t that hard, Tomatoes are the easiest. get your jars all clean, pick the tomatoes, Drop a few in hot water, so they will peal easier. and put them in ice water so you can peel them without burning yourself. Have a big pot on stove, I always do hot pack. put chopped peeled tomatoes in pot.fill the pot full. have another large pot for putting your jars in after you screw the lids on.Bring tomatoes to boil, put in jars seal, and place in water bath, make sure water covers the jars. bring water back to boil. process 45 min for quarts, and 40 mins, for pints. take jars out of water, and place on towel to cool. couple days work and its all done. Love Irene
-- Irene texas (, July 31, 2001.
Bobco,I tried canning alone for the first time this year. It's not as hard as I expected. Tomatoes were my first project. I highly recommend you get a copy of the Ball Blue Book. It will take you step by step. Anyplace that sells canning equipment should have it. I got mine at Walmart. It will take you step by step. Good luck.
-- Mona in OK (, July 31, 2001.
You will be an old pro in no time canning tomatoes. I don't usually even peel mine...I quarter them, and then proceed with the regular recipe. I agreee...get a ball blue book. They are cheap and easy to find. I wish my tomatoes would all ripen (won't be long) I will have a big crop too, and can't wait to can them.
-- Jenny Pipes (, July 31, 2001.
thanks for the come back btw the blue book is what i used Bob se,ks.
-- Bobco (, July 31, 2001.