Dick McBride the Last Performing American Beat Poet or notgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread |
We are a band "CELLULOID" based in the u.k who are working with possibly the last performing original beat poet Dick McBride. We are gigging the material and have recorded an e.p length cd which has had airplay on bbc radio 3, we are looking for an international outlet for our music and wordplay. Dick managed city lights bookstore during the beat era and amongst others has had "cometh with clouds" about ginsberg published . I would like to send a cd and biog etc to Axiom because "passion about music" does not seem to exist within too many music business related companies. let me know of your contact info and i would be very greatful thanks in anticipation Matthew Devenish
-- Matthew Devenish (thelastbeat@hotmail.com), July 30, 2001
hiI'm poet from finland, living in birmingham u.k. during the artsfest 2001 i saw your gig with mr mcbride in city center and me and my mates were well impressed. after i came home i started to surf on net and tryed to find somethin more about dick. only thing i found was bookstores selling commet with clouds. now it is on my table beside cup of coffee. i have puplished poems only in antologies but few weeks ago i got greenlight from one puplisher to my own book. fact is that in finland, during past five years, there has been big beat poetry boom. comppany called sammakko has puplisht translation from: ginsberg, corso, bukowski, kerouac and ferlighetti. sad true is that nothing is in finnish from dick mcbride. i'm going to do somethig about it. ofcource commeth with clouds is interesting book to translate but do you have anyidea from where i could find some of his own poems. i think that would be much more interesting. and what comes to your (celluloid) international fame dont hasitate to use me 'cos the main idea my puplisher has is to emerge music and poetry. i think they could be very interested about the stuf you are doing.
-- Kari Loman (kariloman@hotmail.com), October 18, 2001.
hiI'm poet from finland, living in birmingham u.k. during the artsfest 2001 i saw your gig with mr mcbride in city center and me and my mates were well impressed. after i came home i started to surf on net and tryed to find somethin more about dick. only thing i found was bookstores selling commet with clouds. now it is on my table beside cup of coffee. i have puplished poems only in antologies but few weeks ago i got greenlight from one puplisher to my own book. fact is that in finland, during past five years, there has been big beat poetry boom. comppany called sammakko has puplisht translation from: ginsberg, corso, bukowski, kerouac and ferlighetti. sad true is that nothing is in finnish from dick mcbride. i'm going to do somethig about it. ofcource commeth with clouds is interesting book to translate but do you have anyidea from where i could find some of his own poems. i think that would be much more interesting. and what comes to your (celluloid) international fame dont hasitate to use me 'cos the main idea my puplisher has is to emerge music and poetry. i think they could be very interested about the stuf you are doing.
hope to hear from you soon kari loman
-- Kari Loman (kariloman@hotmail.com), October 18, 2001.
Dick McBride And Celluloid now have a web sitethelastbeat.co.uk
-- matthew Devenish (thelastbeat@hotmail.com), October 31, 2001.
Dick currently lives at Larch Cottage, Broadwood Drive, Colwall, Malvern WR13 6QD+44(0)1684-541353
-- Emilio Carmine (emilio.carmine@btopenworld.com), July 12, 2003.
Some of the entries here are hardly literate.
-- Mike Woods (mikejwoods@hotmail.com), November 07, 2003.
Whar entries might they be?
-- Emilio Carmine (emilio.carmine@btopenworld.com), December 10, 2003.