Pumpkins, the easy way (Gardening (General))greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Lynn expanded our Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin patch by 200% for a dime! She read where they grow best in "mucky compost mix", so she scattered two packs of seed on our extra 30 ft diameter compost heap after D.J. turned the surface grass under. Now its covered with vine sprouts. D.J. and I told her she could go trick or treating by herself this year, we're gonna camp out between the raised bed and the heap and wait for the "Great Pumpkin" to appear. Of course, she busted our bubble by reminding us the G.P. wouldn't show because the pumpkins will all be at the garden market befor the 31st :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), July 29, 2001
Great idea! I planted my seed in the pig pens first site ( I move it around to a clean patch now and then) and am eagerly waiting to see what I will end up with! Planted them in the manure pile one year too. Not bad at all! They are a heavy feeder so all that extra fertilizer makes them pretty happy.
-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), July 31, 2001.
Alison, how deep was your manure pile? I have cows and lots of good mucky manure and also dried manure -- and I want a big punkin patch this year. What do you suggest?Thanks, Trudy
-- TD Matheny (theny@intrex.net), March 23, 2002.