wonderful semi-homestead for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
me again on our other place! I also have a Hale-Bopp of a house on the edge of town. In our family, a "Hale Bopp" is a real doozy that only comes around once every thousand years! :) It's a very sturdy house made of those large blocks. 3, potentially 4 bedrooms, large, sunny living room, kitchen, mudroom, and the largest, most insane looking garage I have ever seen in my life!!!Neighbors across the street but no residence on either side. The house sits on an acre on the very edge of town; here, in this town, you could keep chickens and a couple of goats or sheep. The home also has a very cool chickenhouse that is divided in half--perhaps for goats? This is not the prettiest house in town, but it is definitely not a shack ready to tumble over. With a little cosmetic TLC this would be a very cute home.We also just put a new roof on it . My sister in law lives in it right now; when we move she is following us. I would like $7000 cash for this home. It would be ideal for a family that wanted to live out of debt, with the benefits of homesteading all the while being close to town.
-- Beth (sage_light2000@yahoo.com), July 28, 2001
7K? That is cheap. Where is it located. Large blocks, like in cinder blocks? Does it have well and septic?
-- ed (edfrhes@aol.com), July 28, 2001.
What area are you in?
-- Brendan K Callahan (sleeping@netins.net), July 28, 2001.
SInce there are no residences on either side...are they empty lots? Or businesses? Is the garage for one car or two? What state/city? Does it have a clear title? These are obvious questions of course. It sounds like a place that could make somebody very happy as they make the transition. Happy moving to you and your s-i-l.
-- Anne (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), July 28, 2001.
many thanks! yes, cinder blocks. there is a small field to the north, a vacant house used for storage to the south. I put my info. here not to cut costs of an ad; I just wanted to make another homesteaders dream-come-true:) We are in Hanover, Kansas. The garage is really crazy! You can actually pull one vehicle in, but all these "rooms", like shops, have been added on. Its wild.
-- Beth Weber (talmidim88@hotmail.com), July 29, 2001.