Server : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Sent an e-mail to my daddy last night a little after 10 (mountain time). He told me the server said I sent it at 5:27am Eastern time!! (He was wondering what I was doing up so late-haha) In light of the recent broo-haha, I thought ya'll might be interested to know that the server time is clueless.
-- mary (, July 26, 2001
double check your computet time,, and his,, either one may be off,, and contributing to it
-- Stan (, July 26, 2001.
The same thing happens with my stuff, sometimes it's right on and others it has been two days late.
-- Thumper (, July 26, 2001.
Our old PC had the same problem. Found out that the battery was going bad. Took the battery in to Radio Shack and they sodered (sp?) a new battery in for us.
-- Cindy in NY (, July 26, 2001.