recycling of sesam wastes : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

we are a ngo in turkey and try to run a rpojekt about sustainable sesam production in our region in south west turkey. can you help us in finding information about the recycling of the leftovers of sesam harvesting? up to now the stuff is burnt and besides bad effects for the microfauna, was cause for several forest fires in the past. do you know about any examples? sorry to bother you regards thomas schmitz kavak sok 7 48650 akyaka tel. tr - 0252 2435877 e-mail: site:

-- thomas schmitz (, July 26, 2001



could you be more specific as to what "Sesam" is? I did try to go to a Turkish to English translator but it couldn't find the word.

Once we figure out exactly what by-product you are describing, we will then perhaps be able to assist you.

-- westbrook (, July 26, 2001.

Is that 'sesame'? As in sesame seed?

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, July 26, 2001.

I recommend you get in contact with the American Embassy there and talk with their Agricultural Specialist. They should have access to extensive information and possibilities.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 29, 2001.

susam (same with sesame) we call it susam

-- emre telci (, April 09, 2002.

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