Vacumm Sealer for Canning Jars : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to find a vacum sealer for canning jars. I like to can peppers and when I heat seal them they always seem to get soft. I heard to keep them crisp use a vacum sealer to do this. If any of you know were to get a reasonably priced one please let me know or if you have any ideas on making one as well. Any ideas on keeping my peppers crisp are welcome as well. Thanks Ross

-- Ross (, July 25, 2001


Response to Vacume Sealer for Canning Jars

if you "can" peppers with a sealer, then you are risking food poisoning if you don't boil the peppers 15 min after you open them. Peppers are a low acid food, and that makes them a seriously great place to grow botulism.

-- Soni (, July 26, 2001.

I like to freeze my peppers, some whole,or sliced unblanched, others cooked, roasting is very good. I use the unblanched ones 1st.

-- Thumper (, July 26, 2001.

Please note that vacumm, vacum, and vacume are all misspellings of the word vacuum.

-- Justin Cook (, February 24, 2002.

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