Cost of well in S. Missouri?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anyone drill a water well in southern Missouri lately? Wondering what it might cost, as I've heard some pretty huge discrepancies. Also seen some posts about using cisterns, as wells are so costly. What did you pay per foot?
-- lily (, July 25, 2001
We just moved to northern Arkansas. We were told the reason wells cost so much here is because of all the rock. I can't remember what the price is per foot, but its expensive.
-- Bernice (, July 26, 2001.
I live in Mtn. View Missouri(S Central) We had Fosters drilling out of West Plains do ours and it was $3,200 for a 320 foot well. They brought there drilling truck out one night and ask where I wanted the well, backed the truck up there,then left and they showed up about 7:00am the next morning and by 5pm I had running water at 20 gal a min. They were friendly and worked hard all day.
-- Teresa (, July 26, 2001.
Our well was drilled in 96'. I think it was $10.00 a foot but I,m not sure. Ours is 676 feet deep and has excellent output. We are about 75 miles south of St. Louis, lots of rock.
-- Lynn (, July 26, 2001.
friends of ours dug a well abut a year and a half ago and it was just under $3000 in sw MOSarah
-- sarah (, July 26, 2001.
Dallas County and surrounding area.Drilling $4 per ft.
Steel casing $6 ft. with 80 ft state required minumim.
Grouting, drive shoe, state registration of $35 , other fees usually run a couple hundred dollars more. 1 hp pump and tank setup will be $1200 to 1700 dollars. Using plastic casing is about same price as steel. Some price difference between drillers. Some quote a price of $3.50 per ft. but then always drop in a pvc liner top to bottom even if not needed. They run about $3.50 per ft. more. Drillers cost is under $2 per ft. Drillers cost on casing is less than $4 per ft.. A Gould 1 hp pump sells for $600 to $800 alone. Installers cost is at present $315. Now your armed with some real info.
-- Down the hole (, July 29, 2001.