When is this material comming out as an almanac?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Would it be nice if all this info came out in print and hit the shelves as an almanac? It would be of great service for the uncomputered among us.Item two:I notice that a lot of people are looking for past posts for different sites that they remember but don't know how to find. If a new catagory was established listing such sites, parallel to the existing list of the old posts, then one problem would be eliminated. This could be established if the readers each took it upon themselves to read through a different catagory, one for goats, one for poultry, ect. until it was picked clean and then donated their info to Ken. Or the sites could be inserted, in a group, at the front or back of each catagory's threads of the old answers. Does this sound doable?
-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), July 25, 2001
There is over 65 megs of info in this forum as of 04may2001. Including about 30 images, at ~1.5meg.
This would be a huge almanac. If you had a laptop with CD rom [used=$250] you can run them off a CD I've cut.
See this link for details http://home.att.net/~ofuzzy1/cs-sale.htm
The way the forum software is setup; items are arranged by date entered. [Which can be selected oldest or youngest first.] With no other options.
I really do love the idea of filling in the missing gaps of info, this would be an even greater resource than it currently is!
-- (perry@ofuzzy1.com), July 25, 2001.
Additonally I think the most important thing is the folks put the 'questions' in the 'bestest' category.
Sometimes I've gone looking for and item only to find it filed in the wrong category. :(
-- (perry@ofuzzy1.com), July 25, 2001.
I think an almanac is a great idea. I understand about so much info; however, you would not be putting in about a third of all that is here. You could eliminate the volumns from the debates over religious context, Gladys & Walt, etc. and all the other little chit chatty things as well. That should cut it down substantially -- heck maybe even in half!
-- Kelly Sue (kellysue@mega.net), July 26, 2001.
The programming provided by Lucinet does not permit what was proposed.I do the best I can on putting threads in the most appropriate category. If you find one which you think has been mis-categorized, let me know and I'll take another look at it.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), July 26, 2001.