My grapes are : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm new to grapes. Bought a house last fall that had an old, dying vine. I cut it back this spring and have been watering it. It started to grow back.. but in these past few weeks the leaves are turning brown from outside in, and falling off. It looks like I'm going to lose it. I don't know the type of grape it is for sure. I think it's a concord. Also,it never produced any grapes before this started happening. I live in New Mexico. I've referenced 3 books, but nothing present on this type of problem. Does anyone know how much water grapes like? Not sure if I'm over/under watering....Thanks!
-- Molly McLaughlin (, July 25, 2001
My grapes do better in dry years than they do in wet years. My vines are about 22 years old.
-- Mel (, July 26, 2001.
How much water are they getting? I have started some and some are a little brown around the edges. In the spring many came back in full force. Where we live we have had a very wet spring but now it is dry. I have also heard that the roots can go down 30 ft.
-- Tom S. (, July 30, 2001.
Peirce disease?
-- kathy h (, August 01, 2001.