Rome, GA operations : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Can anyone provide me with information on Southern operations in the area between Chattanooga, Birmingham, and Atlanta immediately before and after the merger? I model the industries that I remember from when I lived in that part of the state. I would specifically like to know what Division Rome and the surrounding area (Rockmart, Summerville, Cartersville, Calhoun, Dalton, Ft. Payne, etc) was in pre and post-1982. Where the mainlines ran, etc. I'm assuming that the main north-south line left Atlanta for Chattanooga via Cartersville, Calhoun, and Dalton. I can't figure out the purpose for the seemingly parallel line through Rome, Summerville, and Chicamauga. Additionally, where did the east-west line break off? There was a yard on the line between Calhoun and Rome (NE of Rome) so I've always assumed that was where the division changed and cars were exchanged to go further west. Does anyone have information or a map of this area? Thanks.

-- Rick Duplechin (, July 24, 2001


The lines you are speaking of are:

Southern - Atlanta - Austell (junction with Birmingham line) - Rockmart - Rome (junction with C of GA) - Dalton (cross L&N) - Chattanooga

Central of GA - Macon - Griffin - Newnan - Bremen (cross Southern Birmingham line) - Rome (junction with Southern) - Summerville - Chicamauga - Chattanooga (Summerville - Chattanooga now operated by the Chatooga and Chickamauga RR)

L&N (leased Western & Atlantic) Atlanta - Marietta - Cartersville - Calhoun - Dalton (cross Southern) - Chattanooga

Southern - Chattanooga - Fort Payne - Birmingham

-- Frank (, October 12, 2001.

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