how to search the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
IM, looking fo4r a post about replacement batteries for my phone. I know there was a post,, but I cant find it. How do I search the archives to find it ?
-- Stan (, July 23, 2001
The big problem is what category to look in. This is why Ken spends so much time and effort getting things assigned to an appropriate category, and asking people to assign a category when they start a thread (ask a question)!Go down to the "Older Messages" section below these current threads, go into what looks like an appropriate category, do a search on what you think would be a good keyword. To do a search, use the "Ctrl" and "F" (for find) keys together, enter the word you want to search for (say phone), search and keep searching (find next) until you've reached the end. If you want to search on another word (say battery), go back to the beginning of that list of threads in that category, change the "find" word (do Ctrl-F again if necessary), then repeat the process.
I'll give you a clue: the one you were thinking of is probably not in "alternative energy" or "energy" or "Misc"; and it probably is in "Tools". If not, then I don't know, but you'll just have to keep looking.
-- Don Armstrong (, July 24, 2001.
would it by chance be 004gIS
-- jumpoff joe (, July 24, 2001.