Antichrist Dumbya nearly kills Pope John Paul II with Satanic babbling : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

As Dumbya rambled on and on about how the Corporate New World Order plan was going to save the people of the World, the Pope became extremely distressed, on the verge of going into a coma.

The Pope was heard denouncing the Satan Dumbya with the follwing remarks... "Go to Hell you Satan, you are not welcome in this Holy House", "The Children of God will overcome your tyrannical rule of oppression", and "When Judgement Day comes, you will burn in Hell for eternity."

As the Pope developed a severe migraine, sympathetic security guards escorted the Satan Dumbya from the house, sparing the Pope from any further torture. The Pope is said to be in critical condition, but the prayers of faithful followers are helping him to recover from his tragic experience of torture as he endured the curses of Satan.

-- (tortured by Dumbya @ but faith. pulls him through), July 23, 2001


see that ring,on the popes finger.i won,t kiss it. see that jesus ,on the cross? umm he ain,t there anymore. *********HE IS RISEN***********

-- al-d. (, July 23, 2001.

Dubya, master of diplomacy, does not tell the Pope that a grown man looks silly in a white dress.

-- Lars (, July 24, 2001.


I see the ring-no prob. Do as you wish. But where is the cross? I just dont see it.

-- Aunt Bee (, July 24, 2001.

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