Over-The-Fence Chat Thread 7-22 thru 7-28greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hey Kids,Another busy week flies by and it's nearing the end of July, and we are in need of some rain around here. Don't know why all the rain seem to be missing us, but it is lately. The ground is getting cracked, and the bushes are wilting. We have a chance today for some. At this point we need a week of it.
Our garden is hanging on, we're using buckets to water it, but the temps have been so high, it dosen't last very long before they're dry again. I know allot of you are needing rain too, and I hope this heat wave breaks for all of us. We're getting tomatoes, peppers, squash and strawberrys.
We made arrangements for the cow to be AI'd the end of this month. She's come in twice since calving, but he said to wait till the calf is 50 days old, and we'd have better odds. We are going to use Red Angus as he said the calves are small when born. I sure hope she does well and takes the first time. Poor Ginger stood out there hollering all day, but she was good and didn't try to leave.
We had another buck goat born, black and white, cute little bugger. Now I have 4 does milking, as I let one dry off so I could put her in another pasture with the young does away from the bucks. Maybe this year will be the first that I can milk all the way thru the winter and not run out of milk.
We've got 8 large cattle panels up this week, upside down U, to make a building for the dogs off the house in the back. The milk goats took over my Border Collie Barn, so we need another place for the dogs. We got some tarps yesterday, and will put them up today, and then brace the inside roof up good. We will be able to walk into it from the house without going outside, so should be interesting this week ripping up one corner of that room, and putting in a door.
I got up late this morning, so I'd better go get my chores done. Here's hoping everyone gets enough rain this week. See ya later.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), July 22, 2001
OH, it's pouring pouring rain now, has been for an hour! Amen. Hope you all get some too!
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), July 22, 2001.
Hey Cindy, we could use some of that rain up here!!!! This past week has been dry right here, although there has been rain all around us. Go figure. Got little pumpkins coming on. I'm just hoping they'll have enough time. It was so cold and wet in May, I had to wait until june to plant them. Hey Jan in Co., I planted the giant pumpkin seeds you sent, and they're bigger than the plants my sister in law put in at the same time! Can't wait to see how big the pumpkins get. Might have to enter them in a contest! The neices are so excited about the pumpkins. We;re going to try and carve their names in them and watch the names get bigger as they grow. Nothing like seeing a garden, as in the eyes of children. Hope everyone has a great week and good gardening (and canning!).
-- Annie (mistletoe@kconline.com), July 22, 2001.
SEND RAIN!!!! Weeded garden this weekend, hoping for a good potato, tomato, corn crop. Found our parsnip crop hidden under the weeds, also found a great crop of volunteer tomatoes from last year. Anybody got a good recipe for Colorado potato beetles? All for now!
-- woodsbilly (coleenl@penn.com), July 22, 2001.
I have 2 Colorado potato bug recipes. For the first, simply grab the potato bug firmly between 2 fingers and squeeze just enough to incapacitate. Then flick the bug into the chicken pen and watch the ensuing race. Repeat. And repeat. And repeat..... The second recipe is a soup. Fill a coffee can 2/3 of the way with soapy water. Place the bugs in the water until you can find no more bugs (this could take awhile). Dump the soup in the chicken pen. While they usually aren't big on the broth, the rest vanishes quickly!You know, I've been using these 2 methods for several years now, and I get less potato bugs now than I used to. I have to admit, I do go through several times at the start of their season and strip the eggs off the leaves, but after that I just feed the chickens either every other day or so and it works!
I PICKED MY FIRST TOMATO THIS WEEK!!!!! Life is good. I was a pig...it was a little one so I ate it all myself! I also got my first zucchini and some green beans and fava beans. Does anyone have good recipes for fava beans?
I met my new neighbors this weekend, and they used to homestead but don't any more. I'll have to find out why sometime. I realize that the only point of view I truly have is my own, but I can't imagine wanting to give this up! They seem like very nice people. Good neighbors are worth their weight in gold!
-- Sheryl in ME (radams@sacoriver.net), July 22, 2001.
CINDY send the extra this way were still dry no rain in sight. been 110 in the shade here today.ever thing that is not getting watered is burnt up. i watered my tomatoes and cucumbers today, hate to get my water bill.my tomatoes are going gangbusters have bout got my freezer full with sweetcorn and tomatoes and okra.fish arent biteing either. so everone play it safe so we can see you next week. Bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@hit.net), July 22, 2001.
We have been so fortunate that last three nights here and even though it has not been a lot of rain it has rained! Even found a few blades of grass turning green in one spot. The garden and trees had to be watered for the past almost three weeks. We are still hot and muggy though and are supposed to cool off some next week.
-- jenn (normaj3@countrylife.net), July 22, 2001.
WHEW am I glad to be home! We had one tremendous week of traveling and camping. Now I have to rest up from all that vacationing. The back room is overflowing with schtuff to put away.. clothes to wash.. bedding to sort. How in the world did all that stuff come out of that car anyhow???Spent 3 days with my family camping up in the mountains of Virginia on a crystal-clear lake. We had soooo much fun. Those teenagers will never forget their escapades of being out in those boats till 2 AM. My little one came home with about twenty salamanders she caught with her cousin at the edge of the lake.
We came home for one day to wash the clothes and repack, and off we headed to the tents again, this time in PA for two days. Hubby's family this time. That trip was somewhat of a bummer... Did you know in PA it costs $15 to get a fishing license for only 3 days for an out-of-stater? Here in VA it only costs $6 for a 5 day permit for out- of-staters. Bummer. I didnt get to go fishing. It just wasnt worth it, we thought... but then, concidering my mood at the end of the trip, we reconcidered. It just might have been a good investment towards my sanity. and how come I ended up with the hottest site, and we were the ones with the most primitive camping gear? Translation -miserablest. LOL
Oh well.. I know one thing. This driveway never looked so good in my life.
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), July 22, 2001.
We have rain forecast for the next 3 or 5 days in this part of Virginia and I'm sure ready for it. Will at least cool things down a bit - I hope. What with a couple of canners going or a couple of water baths, it's hot as blazes inside. Thankfully, it's only really hot for several hours each day.Have been very, very busy canning lately. Am doing for the two of us and an 80 year old friend who just can't manage the heavy canners any longer. So far have put up yellow squash, zucchini, pickled onion rings, stew meat, strawberry jam, cherry jam, and strawberry and cherry jam. Have dehydrated parsley, celery, yellow squash, mushrooms and banana slices are drying right now. I have cabbage draining all over the house and it will be ready to become spiced canned cabbage later this evening.
Wildcrafted catnip is hanging in bunches from the ceiling in the process of drying.
More green beans to be canned tomorrow and the first tomatoes are going to come in later this week.
Was talking with our county extension agent earlier today and she asked me to enter some of my canned stuff in the county fair. So I entered 7 things this afternoon, on my way to pick up the cats at the vet. Judging is tomorrow morning and I can't wait to see how that goes.
I have dreamed for many years about getting a spinning wheel and finally ordered one last week. It arrived today and I'll be using it tonight while the cabbage is doing it's thing. I'm so excited about this!!
Also decided on the set of stainless steel pots and pans I wanted, after almost 2 years of shopping, and ordered them last week. They arrived via UPS in the same delivery as the spinning wheel. What wealth!! I'm as happy about the cookware as I am the spinning wheel.
Now, to find storage space for all this new stuff...
We rescued two cats late last winter. Both young but full grown size and both all but starved to death. Altho adult size, one weighed 4 pounds and the other 5 pounds. Both are very loving and gentle guys and became family members in no time at all. After about 50 pounds of cat food, one is now almost 8 pounds and the other is over 9 pounds. They went to the vet today to get "fixed". They are back home now, and very glad to be here. Sleeping a lot right now.
From my sink, I look out on lovely hot red geraniums and huge golden marigolds. Farther out, the bird feeders are doing a brisk business. Titmice, goldfinches, cardinals, chickadees, wrens and one handsome blue indigo male busy at the feeder. Lately, they scratch out almost everything but the sunflower seeds and doves come in flights to feed on the ground under the feeders. The thistle feeder stays busy with the goldfinches and chickadees. The cardinals have been bringing their two youngsters to the feeder for a couple of weeks and mow the adults are courting again. The goldfinches are just now bringing youngsters to the feeders. Sure do enjoy watching the birds and the cost of seeds is a very small price to pay for the pleasure they give me.
Life doesn't get much better than this!
Carol Mora - Virginia
-- Carol Mora (carollm@rockbridge.net), July 23, 2001.
Did you get any rain Bobco, Woodsbilly or Annie? We have gotten so much rain this week I bet it's a foot. This is amazing for the end of July! I had to make channels for the water to run off we got so much yesterday! Just one downpour after another, and more to come this weekend. Our grass is green again! I sure hope you all got some of this rain. I have to hurry and pull weeds, dig postholes, move dirt, and everything else I can while it is wet before it drys up again!We ought to start a round robin with this Chat Thread. Anyone else want to take a turn at starting it on Sunday mornings or Saturday nites? Like each one could take a month? Would be fun I think.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), July 27, 2001.
Hi Cindy nope no rain just a few sprinkles. glad you all got some tho. Bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@hit.net), July 27, 2001.
Hi Cindy, we did get some rain! Maybe more coming in today. Has perked the garden right up, now if I could get some of those tomatoes to ripen. I'll take a stab at starting the chat thread. Maybe we can go one month at a time. Do you want me to start this Sunday, and then do it for the month of August? I'll just have to make a note to myself so I won't forget!
-- Annie (mistletoe@kconline.com), July 28, 2001.
Sure Annie, start today. Go ahead and start it for August and then maybe someone else would like to do September. ?? Would be fun to rotate it around.We got more downpours yesterday and this morning. I've had to unplug the PC so many times this week!
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), July 29, 2001.