Lokeren Learn - Part Deux

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Well boys and girls, here we are again? Are you sitting comfortably (apart from Pit Bill)? Good, then we'll begin...........45 mins to go to the webcast. Will it work or will it not? That is today's big question.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


Fower nowt up aalreddy. I want another six.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

size is important to you then, Screach?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Isn't it to you TGJ??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

What time's the KO?

I've got real player - how do I get the web-cast?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Try using Window Media Player, toon expat. ;-)

Though I can't get the webcast right now. Anyone else have it working?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Screacher, Actually your size is of no interest to me at all. Should it be??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I can't get the broadcast either...yet.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Me too. Howay Metro, pull yer fingers oot

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Argh! This is so frustrating. I canget the details up but not the webcast. At least that's progress from previous efforts :-(

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Why do the words Pissup and Brewery come to mind??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Since there's no Mackem match to play, it seems the Tossers(copyright Clarky 2001) have linked to "Rangers Live". Which isn't streaming.

I despair.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Bloody Great. not

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

'kinnell. This is stupid

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Even better......the link at the bottom of the official s*ite's webcast page "user guidelines" is broken.


So. Anyone with Metro who didn't go to the match wanna keep us updated? :-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I am in...they appear to have fixed it

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Maybe not..it went dead...the Rangers Live link is replaced with NUFC Live...there is hope perhaps

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Or EuroSport

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Thought I had it by editing the link to last week's match to: mms://play151.servecast.com/premiumtv_wmlz_newcastle210701

It streams and says "NUFC Live" but there's no sound :-(

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

sorry to be a pain in the whatsit, but can someone tell me the coordinates of Metro (Frequency / keyword etc necessary to locate within Windows Media.

You see, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this.....

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Maybe they think it's a 7:30 KO??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Or maybe they subconracted it to the City Council's (ex-) Love Parade Organisers??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Open the official s*ite webcast page in IE, then click on the link. It will automatically open Media Player

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Bah! Back to "Rangers Live"

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Toon Expat, the easiest way normally is to go to the official site www.nufc.co.uk and once in, click on the metro radio link. It appears the webacst is having technical difficulties as none of us can get in.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

If it were a 730p kick off, they should still be broadcasting now. At least if the words on the .cock page mean anything. yeah right. ;-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

There's no webcast on the Lokeren site either!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

i did hear a couple of fellas "testing" the line. Sounded like the Blakelaw Social Club concert room. "Test 2-3 Ah, thump thump thump...Clear" Maybe we'll get a comedian on after the bingo.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Found updates on Radio Newcastle. Probably means the second half will be live (hopefully). Currently 0-0

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I think the net connection is working. Now it's streaming, but there's no sound. So somebody needs to tell them to turn the microphones on.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

www.uefa.com/IntertotoCup for live scores......or go through www.zoomsoccer.com

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

And while we're all waiting, if anyone would like to drop a little note of praise for such fine and reliable service, the person to write to is: oliver.slipper@premiumtv.co.uk

I may send a CV and offer my services as a NUFC content/HTML coding specialist. At least I know the difference between "Rangers" or "SAFC" and NUFC.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Is Radio Newcastle broadcasting on the web? What's the url?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Looks like Villa won 2-0 and go through. 1860 Munich also won and go through

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Ciara, Newcastle isn't on the Net. Its the wireless. ITS ON!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Its up, Its on, the game is afoot....

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

JAYSUS! That woke me up! Webcast is finally on after some rather loud noises.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Sounds like a great crowd, very noisy....Howay Lads

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Got it!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Nice to hear the Toon Army as always. Nice of the lads to save the scoring until those unable to be at SJP are able to tune in.

We're here. Now give us some goals! HOWAY THE LADS!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

See - aah tele yiz it was a 7:30 KO

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Toon expat...are you in?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

So, we have:
Barton Dabizas Hughes (?) Elliot
Solano Bassedas Speed Quinn
Shola Bellamy

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

So anyone know our starting lineup?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Howay me bonnie lads!!!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Thanks, Screach. :-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Wake up woman ;-))

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

This is a waste of money

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Just sent a message to feedback on nufc.co.uk

"Yet again your webcast failed miserably. First it said "Rangers live" and there was no sound at all, then it took until 20 minutes into the game before it started to work. After having broadcast the Sunderland game twice last year, along with other breakdowns, it's just not good enough."

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

We're off to Munich for the next match. We need to get a bit hungrier for goals if we intend to beat them, I think.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

What's the attendance? A record? Sounds noisy enough

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Well done Barry, of course you know they will send the reply to someone else ;-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

150 Lokeren fans

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Do you think they're clever enough to read your e-mail Barry??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

They'll interpret as "We love your coverage of Sunderland matches. Keep up the good work."

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Oh howay. If this doesn't improve, I might go out and get my hair cut

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Are you sure this isn't a repaet from last season???

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

what a f**k-up--and now I'm hearing about 20secs of game then buffering for the same time--over and over again--is it the same for everyone/ Fifties Fan

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Is Nobby still drunk??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

We seem to have rediscovered our fear of scoring goals.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Thats a negative Alan, my reception is fine

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Alan - constant stream here in Minnesota

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Mine's clear, Fifties Fan. No buffering. yet.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Maybe we should have trained on grass instaed of the beach at Tynemouth

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I'm hearing it fine, I just don't feel too impressed by what I'm listening to.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Alan - what speed connection do you have??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Argh - Dabs up to his usual tricks

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

WHo's this Muzletski? He's getting a lot of airtime.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Mine's working fine now Alan. Who is responsible for the webcast - is it contracted out to Metro? But I suppose it all relies on the right hyperlink being put onto the nufc website. And the buffering, is that anybody's fault, or are there too many of us all trying to listen in at the same time?

I think I remember that they laid a brand new pitch this summer - is that why they're slipping around so much?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Screach. You must remember him. His mother had the chip shop on Broadway Circle.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Premium TV is responsible for the site, and the coding on the site. As in they should be putting in the proper links and setting up whatever connections are necessary for the web. Metro just feeds them the audio.

The buffering is a network problem. Could be too many people logged on, but mroe likely is local traffic closer to the user's end. I had a hellish time with webcast buffering when I lived in the Boston area, but far fewer problems and higher connection speeds since I moved to the less congested Baltimore area.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Nah - it was the offy next to the carparts shop

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Where is our killer instinct. HOWAY LADS! Get your fingers out!!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Katanga?? Is this Lenny Henry doing the webcast this week??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

YBR will make changes at HT - won't he??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Thjere's also a Komodo(dragon) running around out there.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

It wouldn't be so bad if it was the bairns playing, but first teamers???

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

What is this announcer drinking? He's making no sense

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Get the bairns out there and they might put in a bit of effort

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Oh - I thought it was a Japanese lady's dress ;-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I'm in at last. Thanks Ciara & Pete.

Wish the lads were!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

New record crowd above 29OOO

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Is that the Belgian version of a girl's blouse?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

29,000 and new InterToto cup attendance record!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Three finals?? Another wonderful UEFA competition. LoL

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Did he say 29,301. Canny number

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Did he say 29,021. Canny number. As they said, it could be ove 50,000 if they do OK against Munich

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Dutch Euro-sport commentator fairly charitable towards us in first- half. He's quite amazed how the Toon crowd applaud any remotely decent pass or header ('it must be wondeful playing in front of such an appreciative audience').

Robbie Elliot got a couple of v. tasty crosses in, but keeps making me wince by going in 100% in all challenges. Keep missing gilt-edged cock-ups in Lockeren defence. Howay the lads

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Woohoo, back to the telly. The swedish commentator is REALLY GREAT.

"Warren Barton is the most popular player on St James' Park, NO DOUBT"

"Gary Speed is a VERY IMPORTANT player, a TRUE midfield general, one of the best in the PL NO DOUBT"

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

What are you watching Sudden?? Comedy Central??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Who's that "Safe but Sorry" playing for them??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Farcelino is injured!! LoL

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

What is it this time? Sprained split ends??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Are they playing on grass or glass?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Comedy Central....LOL, Screach!

Farcelino break another eyelash?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

We must have mixed up "grass" and "Glass". Watford have a lovely new pitch now, but are a bit concerned about how it will do on the left side.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

They've also got Seafood Sullied playing for them

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Sounds like shite...both sides

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Indeed- I'm reading the Ronnie instead of listening to this cr@p

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Ooh it's a corner!! And a free kick. And a goal???

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Divven't be stulip Screach

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001


-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

See, what did aah tell yiz ;-))

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Screach..you are psychic....1-0 Bellamy

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Stulip??? Stupid, Stupid, stupid. :-(

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

OK. I predict we'll score another 3

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Bass off!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

McClen on.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

That's what happens when you read the Ronnie

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

McClen on...for (?? Bellamy??)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

or Bassedas even. ;-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I might try the Sunday Sun next

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Rio Ferdinand should be shot. I see he's now gobbing on about how Vierra should go to Leeds. 'kinnel. I hate that guy (RF,that is)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Louis Louis coming on for Shola??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Did somebody pull the plug oot??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

And St Bernard on for Quinn

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Ooh - Bellyboy off not Shola

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Is there anybody out there? I'm feeling comfortably numb.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Another goal???

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Just been off cleaning my floors as there hasn't been much going on here.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

If we beat 1860 Munchen, we play Troyes or Wolfsburg in the Final. Troyes just south of champagne country, west of Paris, and Wolfsburg east of Hannover on the road to Berlin. Neither all that easy to get to, though Troyes slightly better connections (through Paris). And Bobby could take the boys to Euro Disney the day before.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Hello from sunny Santorini (well it would be sunny if it wasn't dark!) Only bar with satellite is showing motor racing so here we are - don't seem to have missed much!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

So are Solna and whoever Wolfsburg were playing out?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Sorry, i fell aslepp..........

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

WTFIGO?? Greg Rudsedki sent off?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Dabs does something daft and Mozzarellaefski gets sent off. ??

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

It's dark here too Steph, tho it shouldn't be. Mind, the dark is interupted every few minutes by bright flashes :-(

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I don't hold out many hopes against Hermann. We'll have to play a lot better than this.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Troyes and Wolfsburg won this afternoon.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I keep flipping to the Eurosport page - apparently we had a couple of corners and Dabs headed just wide.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

We'll beat the Jormans Screacher. We're playing down to Sportings level today.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

where is the eurosport page

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

We won't get past Munich. We're back to our usual form.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I hope you're right PiC.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Thank God Shay's still awake

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Not to tempt fate, but isn't that four clean sheets in a row, Arse, Villa and these guys twice.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Yes PiC. Common Taties said that

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

www.eurosport.co.uk then click on the link. They are updating the text every couple of minutes.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Time for a clap from Wozza

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

And bobby will say..."the lads played their hearts out, they bled for their club, and our lads did alright as well"

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

There won't be any clean sheets agains Munich. We better play alot better if we hope to beat them over 2 legs. When are we ever going to get in the habit of playing our best at all times and not just when we feel like it?

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Right - I'm off. Catch you all on Wedneday. I'll have to work at home ;-)

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Come on Ciara, scared of the Jormans....They're nowt special, they are in the intertoto which is as we have seen, a top class competition. Nee bother with that lot. nee bother at all.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

I was watching Eurosport. The commentator also kept calling Dabisaz Dibisaz and Bobby Robson, Bryan...argh.

LuaLua and Bernard looked good when the came on.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Well I'm glad Bellamy got off the mark - takes some pressure off him. And we've got to remember that really we're playing our pre- season games here so we don't want to be crunching into the tackles or running ourselves into the ground. Interesting that Bobby kept his "best" team rather than putting out some of the others such as Bernard right from the kick-off.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Not scared, just realistic. If we beat them, we won't do it easily.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

So are we playing the Jormans away next Wednesday? We'll be back in (not so) sunny Newcastle then. See you all back here!

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Like watching paint dry but..... the supporters seemed in a good mood; lovely action beat the man + cross from Bassedas to create chance; Bellamy scored (even if he didn't know much about it); Olivier Bernard left a good impression; good to see Elliot back in the stripes; the new kit is growing on me; and I will be positive this season, I will be positive this season ad infinitum

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

Don't want to be too rude in case we end up looking back on that as the high point of the season. One of those horrible games where you imagine what a half-decent team would have done to us and shudder. Great link up play down the left, but down the right they give it to Shola and Barton races beyond him while Nobby angles into the area and he farts about with and dribbles back into our half before losing it.

Despite being in acres of space in the top tier of the Leazes, watched some twat get hoyed out by the stewards. He and his 2 sidekicks seemed to think "I'd rather shag a pakki than a mackem" was a tremendously amusing thing to chant. No idea why they only chucked the 1 out. The world isn't big enough to accomodate people like that.

The Lokeren fans were terrific in the Strawberry. Singing and dancing at 4.30. The Labour Club said they would only open at 5.30 so they lost a fair bit of pre-match trade. Some fella was going on about the NUFC wonderbra - great support but no cups. Fell asleep on the Metro again because some joker had been adding alcohol to my Guinness.

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2001

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